PARK CIRCUITS: Join us Tuesday 19th September- 6:30pm, Turnham Green, Chiswick.
30 MINUTE ONLINE CIRCUITS: Monday 18th September 6:30pm / Thursday 21st September 12:30pm - click to subscribe
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Edition 77 (PREMIUM): Trauma Revisited - How Fitness Culture Ignores The Messages Within
The specifics of any strength or fitness routine will always be relevant to the individual. Everyone is unique, which is cheesy but always, always true when it comes to the concept of who should be doing what in the gym. But you wouldn’t think that was the case.
Over lockdown I saw thousands of people following Joe Wicks workouts which involved ridiculously unnecessary (and some just downright dangerous) exercises for anyone with joint issues, history of back pain, post-natal, or even just poor fitness levels. Pointless burpees and tuck jumps being dished out like hotcakes, in a one-size-fits-all fast track to fitness (injury) from ‘the body coach’. I am not slating the guy - I don’t know anything about him - just highlighting a reality of the fitness world, which is that most people will do:

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